Eight Years And Four Schools – Now Grad School?

Am I totally insane for wanting to go to grad school for creative writing? It took me nearly a decade just to finish undergrad. Not to mention the fact that the first four years I jumped between four different schools and countless majors. I mean, am I even grad school…

Back To Blogging Basics

I started blogging in high school as a way to vent my frustrations, detoxify from drama, and slightly relieve some of my depression. For a while blogging was mostly me writing to myself — kind of like when I used to write in journals. I didn’t expect anyone…

What’s On My Bucket List

I started my bucket list when I was in middle school. Every year, I’d add one new thing to my list — at least, until I was 22. That was when I kind of let my bucket list die because #adulting became more important. A lot of the…

Becoming A Mom Of Two

Part of me was terrified to have a second child. I knew I wanted to have all my kids before 30, so I didn’t have much time left. With less than three years to go, I knew if I wanted to be a mom of two, it was…

Safe Food Storage At Home During COVID-19

Now that many states are mandating citizens stay home for 2 weeks, you’re probably stocking up on food for quarantine. Hopefully your groceries include more than just canned and dried goods, and you were able to find some fresh meat and produce despite the crazies out there. Or…